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them. Perhaps, some day in the future, the AWS will once again reach the level of recognition it once had as one of the few sporting dogs developed in America. Until then its promoters will continue to enjoy living and hunting with one of America's own.

Paul Morrison Paul Morrison first began researching the American Water Spaniel in 1987 and obtained his first AWS in 1988. Since then he has been very active in the breed participating in obedience trials, conformation events, and hunt tests offered by the American Water Spaniel Field Association. He is a founding member of the AWSFA and has served as its President, newsletter editor, and a member of the organization’s training committee. Paul and his wife Lynn are AWS breeders and produce dogs under the kennel name Little Brownies. Paul is also an American Kennel Club Spaniel Hunt Test judge and serves on the United Kennel Club committee that is developing a Flushing Breed Hunt Test program that was initially proposed to the UKC by the AWSFA.

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