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American Duck Shooting by George Bird Grinnell

A few words about American Duck Shooting, mentioned in the previous review. This book is worth the price for the woodcuts alone. I suppose if your could find an original edition, in good condition, it would be quite the collectors item. The rest of us will have to be satisfied with the paperback from Stackpole.
American Duck Hunter

To understand conservation issues concerning waterfowl, you must understand this book. The book is foremost a book on waterfowl conservation. Obviously there have been many changes in the environment, in wildlife biology, and the waterfowl regulation since this book was written in 1901. Many of the techniques discussed in the book have not been legal for several generations.

Grinnell calls for a stop to Battery Shooting (sink boxes), night shooting, spring seasons and so on. It is interesting to read his description of lead poisoning, and issue which remained unresolved some 80 years after the publication of this book.

"We must look at fowl-shooting just as we do at every other form of field sport. As game and fish become more scarce, limitations must be placed on their capture, and those methods of destruction which are most sweeping in their results must be forbidden by law or public sentiment."

At over 600 pages you won't read this book in one setting. Fortunately each chapter stands well on its own and it is a great book to pick up and read in little bits here and there. With all the changes cited previously the basic nature of the duck has changed little in 100 years. Most books do not hold up so well.

Copies of this book are available from:
Spaniel Journal Bookstore

American Duck Shooting
by George Bird Grinnell - Copyright © 1901, 1991
Field and Stream Publishing Company - Stackpole Books
ISBN 0-8117-2427-1

Bill Fawcett resides in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with his wife, Cindy, and his Springer, Jenna. He is a hunter, field trialer and member of the M-AHSC. He also maintains a public FB ESS pedigree database at

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