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Because the Spaniel is a flushing dog, it instinctively quarters. And that instinct, Kadlec says, "makes it difficult to teach a Spaniel to take a line for a mark and especially a blind retrieve". And here is where the book really shines: the second half of the book is filled with bumper drills and instructions on handling the dog for marked retrieves, doubles and blinds. Of course there is a strong emphasis on water work, something that has snagged more than one Spaniel trying to complete the MH level in the AKC hunt tests.

This is a narrowly focused book on a specialized type of Spaniel work. As such, it delivers, or should we say "retrieves", what it promises.

Retriever Training for Spaniels
Working with soft-tempered, hard-headed, intelligent dogs
Copyright © 2002 Pamela Owen Kadlec ISBN 0-9717103-0-9
Just Ducky Publishing, Edgefield, SC
Spaniel Journal Bookstore

Bill Fawcett has been "messing with bird dogs" for 23 years and lives in the Shenadoah Valley of Virginia with his wife Cindy and their Springer, Jenna. He also maintains the Smythwicks Pedigree Repository, a public FB ESS database.

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