happy to report that our task is almost complete.
There is also some new reading material that is available from Julie Hogan, Parent Club Field Vice President, for a nominal fee. The "Gun Captain's Safety Check List" is a quick check list that is intended to be read by gun team members prior to start of a field trial. The manual "Field Trial Gunning Apprentice / Sponsorship Program" outlines what it takes to become a field trial gun. "The Art of Field Trial Gunning" by Dale Luther Jr. is required reading for field trial gunners. This book was inspired by an increasing interest and demand for information regarding the Gunning of an American Kennel Club (AKC) English Springer Spaniel Field Trial. Over the years, the art of gunning a field trial has been taught by an oral tradition where information was passed from the experienced gunner to the apprentice. It has become apparent that in the current information age the oral tradition is no longer sufficient for training quality gunners - in the quantity required - to support the recent growth of the sport. This book is an attempt to supplement the apprentice method by documenting the procedures and the underlying philosophies behind them in providing a foundation of knowledge in the gunning art.
"A true field trial gunner will represent the dog and handler while naturally displaying his or her own talents as a shooter in the process of supporting the contestants."
Some may question the statement that the gunning of a field trial is an art in lieu of a science. Science may analyze a gunner's performance but the actual performance is governed by the gunner's knowledge, experience and intuition that cannot be quantified by scientific methods. This book lays out the foundation of knowledge from an objective and mostly scientific perspective, but it is not intended to substitute for the experience and natural abilities required and possessed by quality gunners. The rules and guidelines can be taught but the proper application of those rules and guidelines cannot be taught. The implementation is strictly up to the individual. Some people integrate into the field trial environment easily and naturally while others struggle with their decisions and resulting inadequate performance.
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