
- All articles must focus on topics of interest to spaniel owners.
- Previously published articles will not be accepted.
- Preferred format for article submissions: Works, Word, or other plain text format.
- Length of article should be a minimum of three typed pages.
- Please send a query prior to sending an article and/or photos.
- Manuscripts may be sent via US Mail. Email for address.
- Photographs may be sent via US Mail to be scanned and returned.
- If photographs will be sent via email, please compress the image[s].
- Photos sent over the internet are accepted in .jpg or .gif formats, only. No bitmaps or .tiff files, please.
- Include a brief writer’s bio detailing experience with spaniels and/or qualifications for
writing on the proposed topic - along with any contact info to promote your spaniel-related business, if any.
- Include your name and email address with correspondences.
Guidelines for Letters to the Editor
- All Letters to the Editor must be signed and include your contact email address as well as location ie. "city, state" or country.
- It is the Editor's discretion to publish entire letters or just a portion of a letter.
- Letters may be edited for length.
- Please note: Advertisements for puppies, products, or other services will not be printed in Letters to the Editor. Advertisements
belong on the Classifieds page.
Contact Loretta Baughan for advertising rate information.