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Classified Ads - Only ads that are spaniel related will be accepted. All "Puppies" and "Gundogs" classifieds must be for field bred spaniels, only. Please include the registered names of litter parents plus their sires and dams.
Paid classifieds that run for more than one two month period may be reworded no more than once per issue.
Ads will appear after payment is received. Payment may be by check or paid through PayPal - see below.
Rates - in US dollars - are on a per issue basis - covering two calendar months, begining on any date:
- 1 issue (2 months).............................$35.00
- 2 issues (4 months)............................$65.00
- 3 issues (6 months)............................$90.00
- 4 issues (8 months)..........................$115.00
- 5 issues (10 months)........................$135.00
- 6 issues (1 year)..............................$150.00
Charity events of interest to our readership plus lost and found spaniel ads will be published at no cost - limited to one three month period. Please email your lost and found details with contact info to Loretta.
To place a Classified Ad, indicate how you prefer to pay - via check or online with PayPal (use link below) and email the text plus your US mailing address to Loretta at:
To pay by credit card, email Loretta. Advertisement orders to be paid by check will not appear online until the check is received.
Become a Sponsor - Sponsor Listings on Spaniel Journal are available for $100.00 per year. Your listing content cannot be changed during the year, except to update the contact information.
To become a Sponsor, email:
Ad Banners - A very limited number of ad banners will be accepted for the main pages of Spaniel Journal. Ad banner design services are included, see sample below. For further information and rates, visit Banner Ads or email: