The paranormal at PETA are at it again with another stupidity campaign, and this
one, mom and dad, is aimed at your kids. PETA, with its
couldn't-be-more-bizarre-if-they-tried zombies, is out in full farce with their
sights set on getting your little ones, apart from you, to worship animals and
eat lettuce for the rest of their lives.
Their current cacophony of craziness is this: if you took Skooter, Jr. fishing
this year, well then, you're the devil. You . . . are a bad parent. And the
kids should, "turn in their fishing tackle" and even grab "Grandpa's fishing
rod so it won't cause any more pain and suffering." www.fishinghurts.com
Through stealth research, spending tens of dollars (not to mention several acid
trips in which they personally interviewed many fish), the wizards at PETA have
concluded that fishing hurts the fish. No kidding? I wouldn't have thought that
a sharp hook in a fish's mouth would hurt. Garsh. Thanks for the enlightenment.
But y'know . . . even in this newly illuminated state, I couldn't care less. All
I've got to say is, "I'm top of the food chain. Pass the tartar sauce, and get
in my belly."
Now if PETA wants to think that way, fine. That means more fish for me. And if
PETA gets their jollies as they read High Times and watch The Lion King while
wearing pleather, gargling rice milk and eating tofu, well then let them. It's
a free country. But if they want to surreptitiously indoctrinate my kids with
their madness, they have just faux-leathered their way into my sacred zone
where trespassers are unwelcome.
Knowing that sanity reigns supreme in most American households and that the vast
majority of parents think the PETA cronies are certifiable, the mentally
challenged at PETA have gotten busy developing kiddy websites, worming their
way into mass media and stoking their plants within the public fool system with
a fresh batch of PETA Kool-Aid. Be prepared, mom and dad, for the possibility
that your unmonitored kid will get that Ban roll-on glazed look over their
eyes, chant the mantra of the non-meat eaters, and give you that tsk-tsk look
if you order chicken for dinner, because PETA is specifically gunning for them.
"Virtually every species of wildlife, from songbirds and chipmunks to bald eagles
and whooping cranes, benefits from the programs supported and financed by hunters and anglers."
If it were up to this gang (and that's what they are) your kids would not
dissect a frog, buy Dr. Marten's, hunt quail, catch a trout, go to a circus or
drink a glass of Elsie's best, and they would virulently rebel against those
who do, including you.
That's just a little FYI, from me to you, so be on the look out for their beyond
the pale political correctness to be crammed down your kids' throats.
Now, here's a little 411 to give to your children regarding what hunters and
anglers, that's right, "fish-catchers, meat-eaters and leather-wearers",
actually do on an on-going and on-growing annual basis for the flora and fauna
of our fantabulous nation:
1. HUNTING & FISHING LICENSE SALES total nearly $1 billion annually. This
contribution supplies over half the income of the state conservation agencies
and is used for wildlife management, education and safety programs.
2. EXCISE TAXES on sporting equipment, such as fishing tackle, firearms and
ammunition, provide another $400 million, funding thousands of conservation,
habitat improvement and recreation projects across America.
3. DUCK STAMPS purchased by migratory bird hunters add another $21 million in
annual funding, totaling over $500 million to date. This money has been used to
purchase some 5 million acres of wetlands habitat.
4. CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS by hunters and anglers to some 10,000 private
organizations provide another $300 million in wildlife funding, in addition to
the countless hours they spend doing vital conservation work.
5. ALL TOLD, hunters and anglers annually provide over 75% of the average
funding for state conservation agencies and some nine dollars for each single
taxpayer dollar invested in wildlife.
Like I said, make sure you kids get this brief.
Virtually every species of wildlife, from songbirds and chipmunks to bald eagles
and whooping cranes, benefits from the programs supported and financed by
hunters and anglers. PETA . . . well . . . they don't even come close to that.
They won't, and they never will, no matter how many hepatitis-C-carting soft
porn stars, B-grade actors and brothers of famous people speak on their behalf,
or how many bizarre protests they stage, or how many shocking comic books they
launch to boost their losing battle.
My advice, mom and dad: take your kids hunting this fall and fishing this spring
and summer. Introduce them to the respectful and responsible way enjoying and
using of these amazingly healthy natural resources. Join the NRA and the IGFA,
as well as other state and local hunting and fishing organizations. Also, tell
the teachers at that Kool-Aid Elementary that their anti-hunting, fishing and
leather-wearing smack is not going to go down with you and yours and that they
need to save that rhetoric for their weekend bong sessions with their adult
friends who don't mind smoking it.
I honestly wish these PETA morons would get as zealous at protecting the rights
of an unborn child as they are in trying to stop someone from making an omelet
out of whooping crane eggs.
Well, I must run . . . I've got a big slab of snook to eat, and a whitetail
deer/wild boar/American Bison hunt in Texas next month for which I must
prepare. However, if you want more info regarding PETA and their unending
weirdness and hypocrisy, go to www.petakillsanimals.com and
www.consumerfreedom .

Doug Giles is the creator and host of ClashRadio.com. Recent guests on his
weekly show have included Ann Coulter, Ted Nugent, Cal Thomas, David Limbaugh,
Judge Andrew Napolitano, Mona Charen, Michelle Malkin and Brian Kilmeade.
For more information re: Doug Giles go to: ClashRadio.com